Butter Cream Fat Bomb

This stuff is amazing and I have been known to eat it right off the spoon, just like store bought stuff (only this is lots better!)


8oz butter

8oz cream cheese
1 tsp Vanilla extract
4 Tbsp sweetner (powdered)

Soften butter and cream cheese to room temperature. In a small mixing bowl, combine butter, cream cheese, vanilla, and sweetener (to taste) with a mixer until creamy and smooth.

If you stop right here, you will have a wonderful, spoon-licking delicious butter cream frosting to put on top of whatever you've got going on...


Line a large cookie sheet with parchment paper. Spread the mixture onto the parchment paper about 1/4" thick. Get it as uniform as you can. Using a knife or toothpick, "draw" lines in the layer to mark out portions. Freeze a minimum of 2 hours (or overnight is best), then break into portions and store in an airtight container. Enjoy! Makes about 20 - 25.

VARIETY: For a bit of variety, before spreading, mix in other extracts for flavoring. Some suggestions include Peppermint, Banana, or Maple. Blend in pureed berries (but a little tiny bit goes a long way.  Too much and it can increase carb counts significantly). I added 1 large strawberry or 3 medium blueberries to an entire batch.
