Let there be Bread

Okay, so I know I said that bread was sort of off the table for the Keto way of eating, but that's not really true, is it?  LOL

My mother has been hard at work this past week testing out bread recipes.  I have to say, the results have been very tasty!  I don't have a lot to say about the preparation since I didn't actually cook these myself, but the recipes she gave me all use regular ingredients that I have on hand, and they all seem fairly simple.  I'll be making loaves of my own this weekend.  I have to admit I was a little jealous at all the bread Mom had laying around!

So, on with the recipes!  I know that I have a couple of readers who cannot eat nut flours, and so for you, I'm sorry these will not be a good choice.  All three of the recipes below use almond flour as their base.  I will work on finding some good Coconut and Flaxseed recipes for my non-nut flour readers.

Today, I have three similar almond flour recipes for you to try out.   The first one more closely resembles a white bread whereas the other two contain flaxseeds, which gives it more of a wheat bread texture.

The second recipe, the Krusteaz, is the recipe on the back of the Krusteaz Almond Flour package.  However, that recipe did not include any nutritional information so I plugged it into my handy FatSecret cookbook calculator to come up with some nutrition facts. 

Check them out and let me know what you think!  Also, if you try any of my recipes and they turn out well for you, please consider emailing me a picture.  I want to start a photo gallery of recipe pictures.  I'll be adding pictures to the recipes pages as I collect them.

Be sure to subscribe so you know when I post new stuff, and please use the comment section below to ask any questions.

Have a blessed day!

