Let's Make Stuff!

Until I started Keto, I did minimal cooking and absolutely no baking.  I was forever "watching my calories" so it seemed just plain indecent to bake cookies, pies, cakes, etc. to have around the house, so baking was out.  I am a pretty fair cook but I lacked the energy required to come up with something creative every single night after working all day (and lugging an extra 100lbs with me everywhere I went).  I kept my house full of processed, easy to throw in the oven or microwave type foods, along with all the necessities for chips and dip, crackers and cheese, and other common mindless snacks.

When I decided to go Keto, I went almost cold turkey.  I didn't cut my carbs all the way down to net 20 a day all at once -- mostly because I didn't yet know how -- but I did start with the obvious:  take out sugar and sweets, take out pasta and bread, and get rid of the freezer full of ice cream.  That last one was the hard one.  We REALLY like our ice cream.  And just like most folks starting with Keto, I didn't believe there was anything left to eat! All the good stuff is bad stuff...sigh. At first, I ate a LOT of bacon and eggs.  There's nothing at all wrong with that, but it did get old.  And cheese... I do love cheese but even that got tiring.  So I started researching recipes.  And trying lots of new things.  Some were great! Some, not so much.  But I learned a lot along the way that I hope to share with you here.

First of all, there's bread.  Or well, there's not.  But, it's pretty amazing what you can do with alternative ingredients to make bread-like substitutes.  No, you probably won't be eating any Wonder White Bread or even anything that tastes remotely like it, but you can hold a sandwich together and have a resting place for your pizza toppings.

Try a few of these and see what you think.  Once you get in the mode of making these breads, you'll find lots of casual uses.  All of these are quick and easy.  Note, I did not create most of these, but I'm sharing my version, or what I found works for me.  I do not take credit for their creation.

Link to bread recipes:  KETO Quick Bread

Fat Head Dough

Another "bread" recipe, used a lot for pizza dough or biscuits is the Fathead Dough.  You can make crackers, garlic bread, etc. It can also be made ahead of time and frozen. You can search the internet and find a thousand variations for this, but here's the basic recipe:

Link to dough recipe: Fat Head Dough

Satisfying Combos

I also have a few "staples" that I keep returning to for snack cravings.  These are not so much recipes as they are quick combos.

Quick Combo #1
Keto Hot Cocoa

This stuff is SO filling and with only 1 carb per serving it's hard not to resist.

Take 1/2 cup heavy cream and 1/2 cup water.  Whisk lightly in a small sauce pan and heat over medium low heat.  When the milk is fairly warm, add 1 tablespoon of butter, 1-1/2 tablespoons of cocoa powder (unsweetened, of course), and 3/4 to 1 tablespoon sweetener, to taste.  Heat the entire mixture, using a whisk to blend the cocoa, until the butter is melted.  Pour into a mug and enjoy.

Quick Combo #2
Keto Candied Walnuts

Preheat the Oven to 250F.  In a large mixing bowl, whisk an egg white with 1 tablespoon of water just until foamy.  Then in a small bowl, combine 1/3 cup sweetener, and a teaspoon each of cinnamon and salt.

Pour 1-1/2 to 2 lbs of shelled, nut halves (I like walnuts, but it works with any nuts) into the egg mixture and stir until everything is coated.  Sprinkle the cinnamon mixture over the nuts and stir to coat everything.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the nuts in an single even layer at 250 for about an hour.  Allow them to cool, then put in an airtight container.  These are delicious!

Quick Combo #3
"Cinnamon Pork Crunch"

This is one that most folks figure out eventually.  A big snack food for Keto eaters is Pork Rinds.  They can be most useful in creating "crunch".  One of the things I missed early on was cereal.  This works as a great alternative.

Take around an ounce of pork rinds and break them into bite-size pieces.  Sprinkle cinnamon and sweetener over the mixture, pour in a half cup of coconut milk, and enjoy!

Quick Combo #4
Orange Cream Smoothie

This one is beyond simple... take 1/2 cup heavy cream, 1/2 cup water, 2-3 shots of Mio Orange Vanilla water enhancer and a few ice cubes.  Toss it all in the blender, mix till the ice cubes are crushed, and enjoy.  NOTE:  You can use any flavor you like, and try substituting seltzer water for the regular water for an extra zing!

So that's it for today, have a little fun, have something yummy!  I am in the process of creating a Recipe page where you can find all my recipes (but first I have to type out a lot of them...).  Stay tuned and Keto on!

Be sure to subscribe so you know when I post new stuff, and please use the comment section below to ask any questions.

Have a blessed day!
