Hello, Food

One of the key components of any diet, Keto included, is to develop a healthy relationship with food. Generally speaking though, most people have a dependent, bipolar, addictive relationship with food. It is not healthy at all. We tend to teeter back and forth between dieting and cheating, or even just giving up altogether and eating whatever comes our way. In the past, as I've tried many, many diets. I've lost weight once in awhile without ever really understanding why, other than the fact that I cut my calories. Well, you can only cut so far, before you stall out and wonder what now? At that point, most of us usually give up or switch to a new fad that is supposed to be making people lose weight. It's a vicious cycle and is pretty much never ending. In all honesty, I've never met anyone who lost weight by the old mantra "eat less, move more" and maintained that weight loss for the long term. The truth is, unless you understand the food you...