I Can't vs. I Choose

One of the first things I tell people when they start asking questions about "what can I have on my diet", is this. There is nothing I "CAN'T" have on my diet, but there are a number of things that I "CHOOSE" not to overindulge in. I am an adult, with the ability to reason and research information. I am responsible for my choices. You see, a major cause of diet failure is that feeling of deprivation. When you stop to think that you can never have this or that favorite item again, it can be depressing! But the reality is, it's not true. There is truly nothing off-limits once you reach your goal, and understand the basic mechanics of your body and its reaction to the foods you want to eat. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that once you lose your weight and regain your health that you can then return to the abysmal "Standard American Diet" (it is called the SAD diet - that is the most appropriate acronym I can im...