Get a Move On... Or Not

The idea of exercising your way to a slimmer you is the mixed message brought about from the "Eat Less-Move More" (ELMM) proponents. Yes, we should eat less of the bad foods we've grown accustomed to, and yes, we should not be lazy, but let's take a reality check on the ELMM theory. Show of hands, how many of you can run a whole mile? Not me... Running a mile burns about 3/4 of a calorie per pound of body weight. So, a 200lb person running a mile would burn about 150 calories -- that's 1/3 of an Egg McMuffin from McDonalds or a 1/4 of a Wendy's Single. Looking at it that way, it's hard to imagine exercising your way to weight loss. If you follow the calorie burning model, you need to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound...let's see, that means you'd only need to run 23 miles! No thanks. I'll just go eat fat and protein. So then why exercise at all if it's not helpful for losing weight? Well, at first, I say don't bother. If y...